The project interventions and areas will complement the Regional Health Bureau and PEPFAR partners’ facility based adherence support and treatment program interventions and activities. The interventions are planned to fill gaps on adherence support and promotion of positive living at community and facility level. The project interventions are tied under three strategic areas (1) support adherence and positive living (2) create enabling environment for treatment adherence and positive living (3) Support monitoring of treatment adherence and viral suppression. Project will promote positive living and support treatment adherence among PLHIV including HIV positive women, children and adolescents. The project will prioritize those PLHIV on ART who are lost to follow up and/or fail to attain viral suppression and those who initiated to ART to strictly adhere to ART.

The intervention strategies include PLHIV Peer group discussion and peer support and tracing lost to follow up clients. It is being implemented by 95 PLHIV Associations in partnership with government and non-governmental organizations.