Executive Director Message
Network of Charitable Associations of HIV Positives for Health and Development (NAPHAD) was established on April 8, 2005 as Network of Charitable Societies of HIV Positives Associations in Amhara (NAP+) following the impacts of HIV/ADIS on PLHIVs, families of PLHIVs, OVCs and the community of Amhara region at large. NAPHAD legally registered as a local NGO in 2005 by the Regional Justice Office and re-registered in June 2011 by the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Charities
Community Led-Monitoring (CLM) Project
Project Title: Improving Quality of HIV Service Delivery and Client outcome by Engaging Communities in Identifying Data Driven Solutions in Awi Zone Selected Woredas in 5 HF's.
HIV/AIDS situation in Ethiopia still remains being developmental challenge that needs strengthened and all rounded multi-sectoral response Despite the increased access to ART in Ethiopia as well as Amhara, PLHIVs still encounter barriers to optimal care at